
26 Newton

26 Newton
26 Newton by Novelty Corp Pte Ltd
26 Newton by Novelty Corp Pte Ltd

26 Newton is a New TOP Freehold Condominium located at 26, Newton Road, 307597 in District 11. It comprises of 180 units of residential. 26 Newton is close to Novena MRT (NS20), Newton MRT (NS21) and Little India MRT (NE7). Schools close to 26 Newton include Saint Joseph’s Institution Junior, Anglo-Chinese Junior School and Anglo-Chinese Primary School.

Facilities in 26 Newton

Facilities at 26 Newton include Car Park, Children’s Playground, Pavillion with BBQ Corner, Cabana, Gyms, and changing Rooms with Toilet & Shower Point, Swimming Pool, Pool Deck, Outdoor Shower and Wading Pool.

Amenities within vicinity of 26 Newton

At 26 Newton, you can get to nearby supermarkets or shopping mall within the area for an array of amenities such as grocery and retail shopping, bank, eateries and more. 26 Newton is also near to NTUC Fairprice and Cold Storage. It is short walking distance to United Square Shopping Mall, Goldhill Plaza, Velocity@Novena Square and Square 2.

26 Newton is also accessible via Central Expressway (CTE) and Pan-Island Expressway (PIE) to get to the business hub or shopping district in the city.

26 Newton Location

26 Newton Details :

Development Name: 26 Newton
Property Type: Condominium
Developer: Novelty Corp Pte Ltd
Tenure: Freehold
Completion Year: 2016
# of Units: 180

Things you might want to know more about 26 Newton

  • 26 Newton Brochure
  • 26 Newton Price
  • 26 Newton Floor Plan
  • 26 Newton Location
  • 26 Newton Showflat

* If you have any question pertaining to your existing property related matters, please do not hesitate to call or drop a mail with non-obligated discussion *

Showflat Appt and Brochure CLICK HERE


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